Prevent potentially deadly falls when working from height with the right fall arrest safety equipment.
You can purchase fall arrest blocks as well as fall arrest harnesses and fall arrest lanyards from Lifting Gear Direct at great prices.
Fall arresters are designed to be used wherever a user is working at a height in a location where they could potentially fall. Whilst a fall arrester does not stop a fall from happening they do reduce the forces applied to the body through the safety harness. They also prevent impact with the lower lever/ground providing the height of the potential fall has been assessed and the length of the fall arrest block calculated accordingly. It is of no use if the system is longer than the height of fall potential.
Fall Arrest Block with Integrated Retrieval System – 10MRTS The body of this fa..
Retractable Webbing Fall Arrest Block Combining a strong, retractable webbing l..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 15MTRS Designed for durability and inte..
Fall Arrest Block with Integrated Retrieval System - 20MTRS It also offer..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 20MTRS This retractable wire rope fall ..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 25MTRS With a 25 metre length, this is ..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 3.5MTRS Designed for use in both horizo..
Fall Arrest Block with Integrated Retrieval System - 30MTRS Part of Kratos..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 30MTRS If 30 metres of length is ideal ..
Retractable Wire Rope Fall Arrest Block 7MTRS Part of our line up of fall arres..
ATEX Retractable Fall Arrester In most respects this fall arrest block is simil..
In simple terms a fall arrestor is a device used when working at heights which is designed to catch you should you fall, preventing you from hitting the ground. Fall factors including the fall distance must be calculated correctly prior to use to ensure the arrest happens before impact.
A fall arrest block is a piece of height safety equipment which attaches to your full body safety harness and subsequently to a secure anchor point. The coiled lifeline within the block extends and retracts as you move, keeping the line taught. If a fall occurs the brake system will slow the fall when the critical velocity has been reached. They not only prevent you from hitting the ground but perhaps more importantly they help to reduce the forces and stresses impacted onto the body, thus reducing serious injury risks.